Mostly it has been seen that new bloggers face a lot of difficulties in getting approval from Adsense. If you have also been rejected after applying for Adsense. So don’t worry, this article is only for you. In this article we will tell you about Google Adsense Approval Tips.

By following this you will be able to get Adsense approval within 24 hours in the very first attempt. Every new blogger dreams that his Adsense account gets approved as soon as possible. So that he can start earning.

If you want to know complete information about Adsense Approval Tips, then read this article till the end. You will get help in getting Fast Adsense Approval.

Adsense Approval Tips
Adsense Approval Tips

What is Google Adsense? What is Google Adsense?

Google Adsense is a popular online advertising program or network. This is a Google product which is operated by Google. AdSense works to show advertisements on YouTube or websites.

When a YouTuber or website owner gets Google Adsense Approval Tips, then he gets permission from Google to place advertisements on his content. Due to which the content owner starts earning online.

Most of the advertisements visible in the content are related to the content itself. For example, if you provide technology related content on your YouTube channel or website, then technology related advertisements appear on your content.

In such a situation, when a visitor visits your content and clicks on the advertisement shown in it, the content owner receives the responsible amount in his AdSense account.

Why does an Adsense application get rejected? Why Adsense Application Rejected

Why Google Adsense Not Approved: Google Adsense follows a strict approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ) process due to which it can be quite challenging for you to get approval for Adsense. There are some following reasons due to which Google Adsense team rejects your application.

Not enough content: Before applying for AdSense approval, if your site does not have enough content. Or there is thin content. Even then the AdSense application gets rejected. Thin content means that you have written an article on such a topic.

Many people have already written articles about it. You will have to work on such keywords about which very little information/data is available in Google, only then this problem will be solved.

Policy Violation: If there is any kind of policy violation on your site like – copyright material, adult content, drugs or alcohol related content, gambling, explosive related content, etc. If there is any such content in your site then your application will be rejected by the Adsense team.

Bad website design: AdSense approval gets rejected even if the website design is not good. In which many things come up. Maybe you have made navigation difficult. Due to which the user is having difficulty in finding the content.

Even if your site is not mobile friendly, your application may be rejected. The solution to this is to make your site professional and keep the design simple. After that apply for Adsense approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ).

Traffic Source: If you use wrong methods to bring traffic to your site like Bot Traffic, Paid Traffic, or Referral Traffic, in such a situation also the approval of AdSense can be rejected.

This will be solved only if you do not bring traffic in wrong ways. Google does not like Fake Traffic at all. You should focus on driving organic traffic.

No language support: Google does not support many languages. In such a situation, you write articles in a language which Google does not support. Even in such a situation, your Adsense application will be rejected.

Therefore, first of all you need to know which languages Google supports. After that you can write articles in that language. And can get approval from Adsense.

If AdSense approval is rejected, a rejection mail is sent to the email ID. In which the reason for rejection is also written. After knowing the reason, improve your site and then apply for Adsense approval again. Will get approval.

google adsense approval
Adsense Approval Tips

What things should be kept in mind to get Google Adsense approved?

Any new blogger faces problems in getting approval from Adsense because he does not keep in mind the things mentioned below. And applies for Adsense approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ).

And when the Adsense team reviews its site. So the blogger has to face rejection. Because of which they do not understand how to approve Google Adsense.

In such a situation, they search on Google or YouTube by writing Why Google Adsense Not Approved to know these things. If you want your Adsense to be approved in one go.

So definitely follow the Google Adsense Approval Guidelines given below. You will get very fast Adsense approval.

Google Adsense Approval Requirements

  • Write articles on micro niche
  • Use responsive themes in your blog
  • Write unique and high quality articles
  • Blog Domain Age should be 1 month old
  • Increase traffic on blog
  • Write enough articles to get AdSense approval.
  • Do not write illegal content.
  • Do not include copyrighted material in the article
  • Avoid using other ad networks while applying for AdSense.
  • Keep the website look professional.
  • Create necessary pages for your blog
  • Do not write articles in any language. Write articles only on Google-supported language.
  • Use images and videos in articles.
  • Use a top-level domain and a professional email ID
  • Don’t buy visitors by paying
  • SSL CERTIFICATE must be ON in the blog.
  • While applying for AdSense, any post should not have a download link.
  • Create a social media account and post a link on the blog.
  • Submit your site correctly to Google Search Console.
adsense approval time
Adsense Approval Tips

Google Adsense Approval Tips In Hindi

how to get google adsense approval

If you want to know How To Get Adsense Approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ) Fast then follow all the steps given below correctly. It has been observed that new bloggers are not aware of the AdSense policy due to which they do not create content keeping the policy in mind.

Ultimately their Adsense approval gets rejected. If you are also going to apply for Adsense approval, then the steps given below will prove to be very useful for you. So let us know about Google Adsense Approval Tips.

  1. Write articles on Micro Niche

Articles written on micro niche rank very quickly in Google. And it also gets AdSense approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ) very quickly.

By writing articles on micro niche, Google believes that you are an expert on that topic. Because of which approval is obtained quickly. Now you must be wondering what this micro niche is, so let us understand it with an example.

Suppose you want to write an article on Online Earning. But there are many sub categories in online earning like blogging, YouTube, affiliate marketing, apps, etc.

This sub category is called Micro Niche. According to your interest, you can easily get approval from Adsense by writing articles on any micro niche.

And yes, do not make the mistake of writing an article on the online earning category today. Then tomorrow he is writing an article on the health category and the day after tomorrow he is writing an article on some other category.

If you are making this kind of mistake in your blog. So Adsense approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ) will not be available quickly. If you have made a mistake then put all your posts in draft. And write 15 to 20 articles on any interesting micro niche. Then apply for Adsense approval ( Adsense Approval Tips ).

Once you get Adsense approval, you can work on a multi niche also. But initially we will have to work on micro niche only.

  1. Use Responsive Theme in Your Blog

Every blogger should use a responsive theme for his blog. Responsive Theme means that the design of your blog should be in such a way that it can open well on devices like mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop.

So that your visitors can get a better user experience. By using a responsive theme, you can easily adjust the design of your blog. So that your article can open perfectly in every screen size. By doing this there will be no problem in getting approval from Adsense.

When a visitor opens your blog using a mobile or tablet, it helps him in navigation and reading the content properly.

In today’s time, most people use their mobile phones to access the internet. In such a situation, if your blog is not optimized according to the screen of their device, then it may be very difficult for them to open your blog.

Due to which he may leave your blog. In this way, if any visitor leaves your blog soon, the bounce rate of your blog will increase. Which will affect your ranking. Therefore, definitely use responsive themes in your blog.

Nowadays, most of the bloggers use the Generate Press theme which is lightweight and fast to use. I myself use the Generate Press theme. If you want, you can also use this theme for your blog. Or you can use other responsive themes.

  1. Write unique and high quality articles

Unique articles and high quality articles are two different things. Talking about unique articles, an article which has not been copied from any other article is called a unique article.

If you copy-paste content from someone else’s article and publish it in your blog, then your content will be considered as duplicate content. Also, Google will not rank duplicate content in the search engine results page (SERP).

Now let’s talk about a high quality article, such an article which provides value to your readers, is informative, and also creates interest in reading among the readers. That is called a high quality article.

A high-quality article contains solutions to readers’ problems, the latest information, tips and tricks, useful resources, videos, images, important links, and inspiring stories.

When you write high quality and unique articles and publish them in your blog, then both users and Google search engines like your website. Due to which the ranking of the website improves in search engines.

And traffic on the blog increases. Such articles are very helpful in getting approval from Google Adsense. Therefore, always pay attention to unique and quality articles only.

  1. Domain age of the blog should be 1 month old

Many new bloggers do not have passion, they create a new blog and apply for Adsense approval only after writing 3 to 4 articles in it. Due to which their Adsense approval gets rejected.

If you are a new blogger then I want to advise you that if you have just created a new blog then apply for Adsense approval only after 1 month of creating the blog. Till then keep writing good quality articles in your blog.

For AdSense approval, the blog should be 1 month old, only then will AdSense approval be available. There are some Asian countries where restrictions have been made by Google regarding AdSense. That means people there cannot apply for Adsense before 6 months.

If I talk about myself, earlier I wrote articles for three months even though I used to write less articles. Only after that applied for Adsense approval. And I got Adsense approval in the first attempt itself.

  1. Increase traffic on the blog

Traffic to the blog is an important factor for AdSense approval. But this does not mean that you will get AdSense approval only if there is traffic in your blog. You can get approval even if there is 0 traffic on your blog.

To give approval, the AdSense team checks multiple factors other than traffic such as website content quality, blog layout, user experience, country of origin, etc.

Traffic on any website indicates its popularity and credibility. Therefore, it is easier to get Adsense approval when there is traffic.

For AdSense approval, the quality of the traffic is also seen from which source it is coming. If the traffic of your site is fake or you use any paid sources to get traffic, then it can have a bad effect on your site.

Therefore, make the content of your blog high quality, this will increase more and more organic traffic and engagement on the site. Your chances of getting AdSense approval will also increase.

  1. Write sufficient content

Google has not officially said that you will have to write so many posts to get Adsense approval. Many people do not get approval even after writing 40-45 posts. Some people get Adsense approval in just 8 to 10 posts.

It all depends on what is the quality of your article and what is the length of the article. Before applying for Adsense, it is very important to have sufficient articles published in your blog.

If you write an article of 500 words then you will need to write at least 25 to 30 articles. After that you can apply for Adsense. If you write an article of 1000 words, then you can apply for Adsense by writing 12 to 15 articles.

Before applying for Adsense, make sure to check whether all your posts are indexed or not. If it is not indexed then go to Google Search Console to get the link of the post indexed.

  1. Do not write illegal content.

If your blog has any content related to Gambling, Hacking, Casino, Drugs, Adult Content, Murder, Crime, Explosive, then no matter how hard you try, you will not get AdSense approval.

All this content violates Google’s policy. Google does not like such content. For this, Google can also penalize your blog.

Therefore, do not create any content against Google’s guidelines. Due to which you may suffer loss.

  1. Do not use copyrighted material in the article

Avoid using any type of copyrighted Image, Video and Text from Google directly in your blog/site. You cannot use such content without permission.

Because that content is not your own creation. Copyright is a legal protection that gives the original content creator the right to own his or her content.

When a creator creates any content, he automatically gets copyright protection. If you want to use any content from Google, you will have to take permission from the content creator.

If you are using copyrighted content then definitely give it credit. Otherwise you may face a copyright strike. It would be better if you create your own content. Or you can use copyright free sites like Pixabay, Pexels to get the content.

To get approval from AdSense, use only your own created images, videos, or text in your article. With this, Adsense approval is obtained very quickly.

adsense approval checker
Adsense Approval Tips
  1. Other Ad Networks

Like Google Adsense, there are many other advertising networks that work to show ads on the site. If you have already used any other Ads Network in your blog. So first remove it and then apply for Google Adsense.

Because Google Adsense does not support some ads networks. By doing this there will be no problem in getting approval from Google Adsense and you will get approval easily.

  1. Keep the website looking professional.

The look of the website also matters a lot in getting AdSense approval. Try to keep the design of your blog as simple as possible. The simpler the blog is, the easier it will be for the user to understand. The loading speed of the site will be fast.

Use only useful Wedgets. Keep in mind that you should not install too many widgets in order to give a professional look. Make sure to include Favicon Icon and your brand logo in the blog.

An attractive font plays an important role in improving the design of the blog. Therefore only simple and clean font should be used. So that the user does not face any problem in reading. Navigation should be clear and easy so that visitors do not face any problem in reaching your content.

It is also very important to update your blog regularly. This definitely helps in branding of your site. Also the user gets fresh content. By following all these things you can give a professional look to your blog. Which will prove to be very helpful in Adsense approval.

  1. Create important pages

If you want to get approval from AdSense, then you will have to create a page of About Us, Contact Us, Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, Terms & Conditions in your blog. Because without this you will not get AdSense approval.

These important pages are necessary to maintain the credibility, authenticity, and usability of the blog. To create these pages, there are many sites online where you can go to create these pages.

Enter correct information about your blog and yourself in the About Us page. This increases Google’s trust in your blog. And you can use the Contact Form 7 plugin to create a Contact Us page. Many sites will be available online to create the remaining pages.

  1. Write articles only in Google-supported language.

There are many languages which Google Adsense does not support. That means you cannot get approval from Adsense by writing articles in that language. If you are in India, you can write articles in English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, and Bengali. And you can also get Adsense approval on it.

  1. Use of Image and Video in Article

Images and if possible, video should also be used in the article. Because it makes the content interesting for the visitors. Which makes it easier for the visitor to understand the content. And visitors enjoy reading the content.

Whenever you use an image in your post, first compress it. That means a smaller size image should be created. After that it should be uploaded in the post.

Also, use images only as per requirement because using more images than required may cause problems in getting approval from AdSense.

After uploading the image, add Alt Tag because Google cannot read the image. Based on whatever Alt Tag you enter; Google brings it in search. In this way, traffic also comes to your blog through images.

google adsense approval requirements
Adsense Approval Tips
  1. Use of Top Level Domain and Professional e-mail ID

To create a blog site, buy only top level domain (TLD) like .Com, .in, .net etc. These domains look very professional and authentic for the site. This also increases the chances of getting Adsense approval.

Similarly, if you use a free domain or a sub-domain, then there may be some difficulty in getting approval from Adsense. If you have a blogger. Have created my blog site on com

So your domain will be which is a subdomain. It may take you a little more time to get approval from Adsense. Therefore, a blog site should be created only by purchasing a custom domain.

You can buy a custom domain and add it to And you can get Adsense approval very soon. You should also use a professional email ID like

  1. Don’t buy visitors by paying

If you use paid sources to increase traffic on your site. So you may have to face difficulties in getting approval from Adsense. Therefore always try to bring organic traffic to your blog.

Don’t fall prey to such fake traffic. Google always prefers real traffic. If you have got Adsense approval but you are still using a paid source. So it won’t take much time to disable Adsense.

Anyway, much traffic is not required to get approval from AdSense. In the initial period, you can share the post on your social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Quora, Pinterest to bring traffic. And can bring traffic from there.

  1. Use of SSL Certificate on blog

It is very important to use SSL Certificates on the blog. When you turn on the SSL Certificate on your blog. So the trust of both Google search engine and visitors towards your blog increases.

Because of which it is easier to get Adsense approval. SSL Certificate increases the security and privacy of your blog. Due to which there is no risk of the site being hacked. When a user visits your blog

So SSL Certificate creates a secure encrypted connection between the user and the blog. Due to which no third person can see the data or personal information of your blog. In today’s time, everyone is installing SSL Certificates on their sites.

So that the site can be protected from hackers. Google has also made SSL Certificate a ranking factor. This means that using SSL Certificate in the site will also benefit the ranking of the blog.

  1. Do not put illegal download links in the article.

It is stated in the policy of the Google Adsense Program that no person can promote any kind of illegal download link or piracy on his site. If you put such a download link in your blog post.

So your AdSense may be rejected, or your already existing AdSense account may be banned. Google Adsense does not approve this type of site. Which has an illegal download link.

Sharing illegal download links may reduce the value and credibility of the site. Therefore, before applying for Adsense approval, all the download links placed will have to be removed.

Only then will you be able to get Adsense approval. Giving download links like “open source software” will not cause any problems because it is legal. You can share such links in your blog.

  1. Provide a link of social media account in your blog.

In today’s time, everyone has an account on social media. Like- Facebook, Twitter, linkedin, Instagram, etc. If an account has not been created then first create an account and then add its link in your blog.

The benefit of this will be that any visitor will be able to connect with your blog through social media. Apart from this, you will also be able to get maximum traffic from social media.

When you add social media links to your blog, the value of your blog site increases in the eyes of Google. Due to which it becomes easier to get approval from Adsense.

  1. Submit your site to Google Search Console.

Talking about Search Console, it is a free tool of Google. When you submit your site to Google Search Console, Google indexes the URL of your site. Due to which all the pages and posts of the site start appearing in the search engines. And traffic also starts coming.

If your site is submitted to Google Search Console then Google considers your site as a trusted website. That is, if Google has the performance data of your site. So Google trusts such sites. Which is necessary to get approval from Adsense.

With the help of Search Console, you can check the performance of your blog website. On which keywords is the traffic coming and where is it coming from? From which source everything is coming, you can easily see with the help of the search console.

FAQs:- Questions related to Google Adsense Approval Tips

How long does it take for Adsense to be approved?

If you have prepared the content keeping in mind the AdSense policy and have done all the necessary things, then you can get the approval of AdSense within 24 hours. But in some cases it takes 2 to 3 weeks to get approval.

How to earn money from Google Ads?

Big companies choose many sites like ours to promote their products or sites. Big companies pay Google to show ads on their sites. And when ads appear on our site and clicks are received, Google keeps some part of the income earned from it and gives some part to the website owner.

Can I get Adsense approval from Blogger?

If your site is built on, then it may take a little more time to get approval from Adsense because in this you use Google’s subdomain (blogspot). If you want to run the site on only, then you can buy a custom domain and add it to With this, you will get AdSense approval quickly.

Is it difficult to get Adsense approval?

No, if you create content keeping in mind the policy of Google Adsense. Does not violate Google’s policy. So you will get approval of Google Adsense in the first try itself.

Which pages are important for Adsense approval?

To get approval from Adsense, it is necessary to create some important pages in your site. Because without this, Adsense approval cannot be obtained. As-

  1. About Us
  2. Contact Us
  3. Privacy Policy
  4. Terms & Conditions
  5. Disclaimer

How much money does Adsense pay?

How much you can earn from AdSense depends on how much traffic your site is getting. What is the CPC and CTR of your ads? Whether ads have been added at the right place or not. Everything depends on the niche of the blog.

Generally AdSense CPC can range from $0.01 to $5. And CTR can range from 1% to 10%.


I hope friends, you must have liked our article Google Adsense Approval Tips In Hindi. I have tried my best to provide you with all the information related to Google Adsense Approval Process. So that you don’t have to go anywhere else to know about this topic.

If you have any questions related to this article, you can ask us by commenting. There will be many people who will need this article, so please share this article on your social media. So that they can also be helped.


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