It is very important to have a good hosting to rank the website on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). If you are new to the field of blogging or are already blogging, then it is very important for you to know about hosting.

Research has shown that by 2024, more than 120 crore websites will be hosted online and this figure is increasing day by day.

Many bloggers, due to lack of correct information, choose wrong hosting, which does not have a good effect on their website in future and they may also have to face many problems.

As ; Website speed becoming slow, website not ranking on search engines and not being able to manage the website.

If you are going to purchase hosting for your website, then this article can prove to be very helpful for you. In this article, I have told 10 important factors to choose the best hosting, after reading which you can easily choose a good hosting. Can do.

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The 10 Best Web Hosting Provider in India (2024)

How to Choose a Best Hosting: 10 Important Factors

Hosting is as important for a website as C.P.U is for a computer system.

Therefore, you should choose the best hosting for your website so that the speed of the website can be fast and the number of visitors can also increase and with this your website can also rank on the search engine.

Here I have mentioned 10 important factors below, by reading which you can easily choose the best hosting for your website. Which are as follows;

Best Hosting
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1. Load Time

The loading speed of the website also depends on the hosting. Load time is an important factor of hosting. If you choose a wrong hosting in haste, then the load time of your website increases.

Due to which the traffic on the website starts decreasing and the ranking on the search engine also goes down. Therefore, you should purchase only a good hosting for your website so that you do not have to face such problems.

A good hosting reduces the load time of the website, which increases the number of visitors to your website and helps in ranking the website on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

2. Initial Server Location

Intial Server Location is also an important factor of Hosting. If you are going to get hosting for your website, then it is very important for you to know about it.

Well, let me tell you; If you do blogging in Hindi and want to target the public of India, then it may be better for you to take hosting from Bigrock Website. This website has many servers which provide web hosting.

These Hosting Provider Servers are installed at different places in India. You can purchase hosting from a hosting provider server near the place where you want to bring traffic to your website. Due to which your website starts loading fast on the devices of people of that particular place.

If you want to bring the public of a specific country to your website, then you will have to choose a hosting which has more server locations in that country. Keeping this in mind, you can easily choose the best hosting for your website.

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3. SSD Based

You need hosting to host your website online. While choosing hosting, you get 2 types of hosting, HDD based hosting and SSD based hosting. You should choose such hosting which is also SSD based.

The full form of SSD is Solid State Drive. SSD Based Hosting makes the speed of the website many times faster due to which the website starts loading fast.

Because visitors also prefer those websites whose loading speed is fast and search engines also rank such websites on the first page in their search results.

This is also an important factor of hosting. Therefore, while purchasing hosting, you must check whether the hosting is SSD based or not.

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4. C Panel

C Panel is also included in the important factors of hosting. C Panel is a Linux Base Web Hosting Control Panel which provides you a good User Interface.

Although you can host your website without C Panel, but with its help it becomes very easy to host the website. In C Panel, you can install many tools with just one click and can also use these tools.

With its help, you can take backup of your website very easily and for this you do not need to do any coding, you can just do the backup with 1 click.

With the help of C Panel it becomes very easy to use the website. Therefore, while choosing hosting, you should also keep C Panel in mind.

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5. PHP Version

When you want to get hosting for your website, then you should also check the PHP version of the hosting whether that hosting uses PHP or not and which version of PHP it uses.

If you do not know then let me tell you that PHP is a Server Site Scripting Language. Whose job is to connect to the database and make the user facing web page dynamic, due to this the website also starts loading fast.

Through this PHP, data can also be encrypted, whatever data is being used, from the database to what is visible on the web page, you can also encrypt this dataflow.

It can open, close, edit any file and can also delete data from it. Therefore, you should buy such hosting which has higher PHP version so that you can take advantage of some new features.

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6. Security

While choosing hosting for your website, you must know about the security feature of that hosting website because many companies do not include good security in their cheap hosting plan.

If you take such a hosting plan, then the data of your website becomes unsecured, due to which you may suffer many types of losses. As ; Hackers can steal data, problem in storing visitor data and cookie JavaScript not loading properly etc.

Therefore, you should choose such hosting in which you can get good security along with other features.

7. Storage Data Amount

In a best hosting, it is considered very good that the storage data amount is more than your website storage. While purchasing hosting for your website, it is very important to check its storage data amount.

Just as when you go to buy a mobile or laptop, you check its storage capacity to see how many GB it is, 512 GB or 1 TB. Similarly, you get to see the feature of storage in hosting. So that you can easily choose the best hosting for your website.

You should choose such hosting for your website whose storage data amount is more than the website storage. However, you should try to get hosting with unlimited storage only.

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8. Bandwidth

Bandwidth is a very important factor of hosting. If you are going to purchase hosting and if you do not know about bandwidth, then let me tell you.

The method of measuring the amount of data transferred from one place to another in a certain time is called Bandwidth. It is measured in Bits per Second. Bandwidth is also called Network Bandwidth, Data Bandwidth and Digital Bandwidth.

If you take a hosting which has low bandwidth, then due to this you may have to face many problems and when more visitors come accessing your website, the server also goes down.

Therefore, you should take such hosting which has good bandwidth because the higher the bandwidth, the faster the website works and the more data is transferred.

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9. Uptime

While taking hosting for the website, one should also check the uptime of the hosting. Along with other features of the hosting, the uptime should also be good.

If you do not know about Uptime then let me tell you. The time for which the website remains online is called uptime.

Many times you must have seen that we repeatedly click on a website but it does not open or it takes more time to open. This problem occurs because the server goes down, it is also called downtime.

Therefore, you should buy such hosting which has good uptime. Uptime of all web hosting websites is different, you can purchase hosting with good uptime according to you.

10. Support

It is also very important for a best hosting to have 24 x 7 support, which is one of the 10 important factors of hosting. In this you get customer service. If any technical problem related to your website arises then they fix your problem quickly.

There are many types of these supports like; In Call Support, you can solve your problems by calling, in Chat Support you can solve your problems by sending messages and in Email Support, you can solve your problems by emailing them.

Apart from this, you also get Article Support which contains information about some problems and how to fix them, by reading which you can fix the problems in your website. Therefore, you should choose such hosting in which you get good support.

Conclusion: How To Choose A Best Hosting In 2024

My purpose of writing this article is to help you choose the best hosting for your website. Because many bloggers, due to lack of information, choose wrong hosting in a hurry, due to which they have to face many problems in future and SEO is also affected by this.

Therefore, in this article I have told its 10 important factors. If you have read and understood these factors thoroughly, then you can easily choose the best hosting for your website.

A good hosting makes your website faster, brings more traffic to the website and helps the website rank higher on Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

I hope that you have understood this article of mine well. If you have found this article even a little helpful, then share it with the needy people and if you have not understood anything, then you can also comment.


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