How to create a WordPress Blog website? Today, the Internet is the biggest means of earning money. From here you can earn so much money that you cannot even get a government job. As far as the question of how to earn money online from the Internet is concerned, the first name that comes in it is by creating a blog/website. Earn money.

This is the way by which you not only earn unlimited money from all over the world but also make your mark in the whole world. However, creating a website and earning money from it is not a child’s play.

But in today’s time, there are such tools and methods available on the Internet that making a website and earning money from it has become child’s play.

In today’s time, creating a website is such an easy task that it hardly takes 10 minutes and your website is created, but perhaps you may not know that there are some rules for creating a website.

Even to create a website, you will have to decide where and on which platform you will create your website and on what topic because this will decide whether you will be able to earn money from the website or not.

So, if you want to create a money-earning website in a short time without putting much effort, then read this post completely. In this, complete information on how to create a website on WordPress is given in detail, so that you can start your website journey and earn money.

What is a website?

Before knowing how to start a website on WordPress, you should know what a website is, and what is the meaning of a website. How does this work?

So when you search anything on Google like How To Start A WordPress Website, now all the results you see are the results of blog websites, by clicking on which you can know how to start a website that you like. Only people like you create this, we call it a Blog Website.

The blog is like a website and it also works like a website that is viewed, read, and created only through the internet, and the person who creates it i.e. the person who manages that blog website is called a blogger.

Creating a blog website, designing it, doing its SEO, and writing and publishing a blog post mean all the work done in a blog, we call it blogging.

You must have heard that someone asks what work you do, and he answers that we do blogging, which means he does all the work of creating a blog website and managing it, which is called blogging.

So till now, you must have understood what a is Blog Website, what a is Blogger and what is blogging. If you still have any doubt about all this then read this post, complete information is given in it.

What is needed to create a WordPress Blog website?

Before knowing how to create a website on WordPress or knowing what is required to create a WordPress website, you will have to know what WordPress is, and how it works, only then you will be able to know what are the essential things to create it.

So WordPress is a platform for creating a blog website, meaning it can be said as a means or medium to start a website. Apart from this, there are many other platforms from where you can start the work of How To Start A WordPress Website like –, and Wix. There are many.

But in all this, WordPress is considered to be the best. Today, 90% of all the blogs and websites you see on the internet are created on this platform because here you have the freedom to create your website as per your wish.

But even in WordPress, you get two types of website-making platforms, one is free and the other costs money to make. I will not talk about making a free WordPress website here because free things are just like free as I have mentioned above.

Here I will talk about creating a blog website on WordPress Org, for which you have to buy domain and hosting, for which you will have to pay money, now how much will you have to pay, at least 2500 to 3000 thousand/year?

If I try to tell everything together, what is required to create a WordPress website? So those things can be like this.

Blog Topic


how to buy domain
how to buy domain

1. How to select the website topic

Website topic means on which topic you want to create your website. To create a WordPress website, you also have to choose the language and topic. As far as language is concerned, you can create a website in the language you know, but still. You have to see in which language the Apprpvel of Google Adsense is available.

And in which language it is not available because if you choose a language in which Google Adsense Apprpvel is not available then you will lose 50% of your website’s earnings. In my view, you will easily get Google Adsense Apprpvel on your website in Hindi and English language.

Now when it comes to the topic of blogging, there are many such website topics on the internet on which you can create a website, but for this you will have to look at your interest, that is, what is your interest in.

Like someone likes to play, someone likes to cook, someone likes to travel, someone likes to read and someone likes to write, on which a website can be created, like if someone likes to cook then he can share it on his website. Will write about how each thing is made.

Now the most important thing is that how many people like the topic or website topic you have chosen, does anyone even search that thing on Google or not? If not, then it is useless to create a website on that topic.

blog writing

2. Where and how to buy domain

A domain name is very important to create a website on WordPress, without it you cannot create a website on WordPress, but you must be wondering what is a domain?

So the domain is the URL of your website which anyone can search on the internet to see or read your website, without this neither a website can be created on WordPress nor anyone will be able to access your website.

Domain identifies you and your website, just as when we call someone by name, he or she hears it. Similarly, when the domain is searched on Google, your website appears.

There are many types of domains like .com, .net, .org, .in, .xyz, .tech and many more, but among all these, .com is considered to be the best which ranks all over the world.

If your website is in Hindi and if you want your blog to be read only by people of India, then you can take .in which will rank very fast in India.

You do not get these domains for free. Every domain has a different price, like .net is the most expensive and .in is the least expensive. All these prices will be between Rs 500 to Rs 1000, which is the price of any one domain.

To buy it, you will find many companies which sell domains and the price of the same domain of each company will be different. In my view, you should buy the domain from Hostinger.

Because the price of all varies around Rs 100 to Rs 200, the advantage of getting a domain from Hostinger will be that half of the work of creating a WordPress website will become easy.

You will get rid of the hassle of connecting domain hosting because we are going to buy hosting from here and it will also be cheaper here. .in will be available for Rs 500.

Where and how to buy hosting

3. Where and how to buy hosting

The first question that comes before buying hosting is what is WordPress hosting – So hosting is the basis of your website on which the entire weight of your website rests. Like if we build a house then we need space to build the house, we make its foundation well, and then we build a house on it. Tell me about a nice house.

Similarly, to create a website on the internet, we need a place whose foundation is strong, so for this you have to buy hosting in which the media file or text you write gets saved in the hosting so that whenever a user searches it on the internet, these things Fetched from here and visible to the user.

The better your hosting is, the faster your website opens on the Internet, so you must buy a good hosting.

The better hosting you buy, the more money you spend. I always say to buy Hostinger’s hosting which is very good and cheap too.

There are many types of hosting in this too, but for a new blogger, its premium plan is the best in which you will also get a domain for free, which means up to Rs 1000 will be saved on the domain.

The price of this hosting is around Rs 3300 for a year, in which you get free SSL with free domain, in which you can create 100 websites, along with this you will get many more things for free which is absolutely necessary for how to create a WordPress website. .

If you buy the same things from other places, you will have to pay separately for each thing. For more information about buying hosting from Hostinger, you can read my post- How to buy Hostinger.

Apart from this, there are many hosting companies from where you can buy hosting which is better than Hostinger but as good as it is, its prices are even better like Bluehost and Greengeek.

If I talk about Greengeek, then you will have to pay more than Rs 5000 for its hosting for a year and it also has the same things as Hostinger, otherwise you can also use free hosting, you can take whatever you want.

blog website

4. Systems for connecting to the Internet

To create a website on WordPress, you need a mobile, laptop/computer to connect to the internet and also an internet connection, but many people do not have a laptop/computer and they cannot buy it by investing so much immediately, but everyone has a mobile. .

So let me tell you for your information that a website can be created from mobile also and that too in a very easy way. I currently have three websites which I have created all three from mobile and I do all the work from mobile only.

In today’s time, mobile is no less than a computer, you just have to use Chrome Browser to create and manage a website and when reading it, you will have to run it in desktop mode.

I do only this and I do not face any problem. If you remove this question from your mind that can you create a website from mobile, then the answer is that yes, it can definitely be created.

Where and how to buy hosting

How to create a website on WordPress

You have purchased hosting and domain and the website topic has also been decided, meaning you have everything you need to create a website. Now the question comes how to setup a website on WordPress?

So to setup a website on WordPress, you have to follow only 2 steps, your website setup will be done.

  1. Connecting hosting to domain
  2. Installing WordPress

So let us know about these two one by one, how to create a website on WordPress.

Installing WordPress

1. How to connect domain to hosting

If you have taken the premium plan of Hostinger, then you would have a free domain in it, as I have mentioned above, then there is no need to connect, it remains connected automatically.

If you have taken hosting from another company and domain from another company then it will have to be connected.

The easy way is to change the nameserver of the domain with the nameserver of the hosting, for this, you will have to log in to the hosting, and inside the details section, you will find a nameserver that will be like this.

Copy it from here and now login to the domain and go to the nameserver settings where you will already find the domain’s default nameserver Add, delete it from there and paste the hosting nameserver and save it.

Your work is done, now your domain will be connected to the hosting in some time or it may take maximum time up to 48 hours. In this way your first step is completed.

When your hosting is connected to the domain, a message will come to your email ID. Now let us know about the second step.

connect domain to hosting

2. How to Install WordPress

When your hosting is connected to the domain, then you have to login to your hosting and click on the database option, where you have to create a database, just give a name and a password, your database will be created, after which you can install WordPress like this. Can do.

Step 1. Now you have to click on the Auto Installer option to install WordPress.

Step 2. Now here you will see four options in which you only have to click on WordPress because you want to create a website on WordPress.

Step 3. After this, a popup option will open in front of you in which you have to create your user name and create a password. Remember, you need this user name and password every time you login to your WordPress. Remember this?

Step 4. Select the database that was created, enter its password, after filling everything correctly, click on the Install option below.

Step 5. Your WordPress will be installed in no time, meaning your WordPress website is ready.

Here you will get a login URL by clicking on which you can login to your WordPress website.

Or by searching by writing wp-admin in front of your domain, you can reach the login page of your WordPress website where you can login by giving your user name and password which appears like this after login.

In this way, your work of creating a website on WordPress is complete, now you will have to install and customize a theme to make your website better.

How to Install WordPress

3. How to apply theme on new website

It is very easy to install a theme on a website in WordPress, but for that, first of all you have to know which theme is best, that is, which theme you should install.

So it is the theme that makes your website beautiful and good to look at, but there are many themes which are quite heavy, have good design and have different types of fonts which is not right for you.

The heavier the theme, the more time it takes to load, which reduces the speed of your website.

I will take the name of two themes here: Generatepress and Astra. This is a very lightweight theme whose size is very less, only 10 kb. You can use any of these.

  1. The way to install it is such that first of all you have to login to WordPress website and click on Appearance and then click on Theme.
  2. Now you will see many themes and a search bar will also appear at the top in which you can search the name of any theme.
  3. Just click on the Theme and then the Install option will appear, you have to click on it and the Theme will be installed in some time.
  4. Then you have to click on Activate, your theme will be installed on your website where the entire look of your website will change.

4. How to customize new website

After installing the theme, you have to customize your website, which means setting its options, which you have to do as per your choice.

For this, click on Appearance and then click on Customize, after this you will get all the options to customize which option you may not understand.

So on the side you will see how your website is looking. By clicking on that option, you can customize that option and make it as per your requirement.

How to make money from WordPress website

Even after doing so much work, you cannot earn money from the website because there is still a lot of work left.

  1. First of all you have to create some important pages like About Us, Contact Us, Disclaimer, Privacy Policy etc.
  2. After this you will have to upload some content on your website.
  3. After this you will have to add your website to Google Search Console for which you will also have to install some plugins.
  4. Then you will have to do SEO of your website.
  5. When your website starts appearing in search results and some users start coming to your website, then you will be able to earn money from this website.
  6. To earn money, you will have to take approval from Google Adsense and place its ads on your website.
  7. Now the number of times ads are viewed and the number of times ads are clicked, you will get money.

Apart from this, there are many ways to earn money from website which you can apply on your website.

From creating a website, how to do SEO, how to write a blog post, how to create a page, you will get information about small tasks of creating a blog in this post, which you can read.

adsense approval time

FAQs –

Is it easy to create a website on WordPress?

Whether it is easy or difficult to create a website depends entirely on you, what kind of website you are creating and how much you know how to create a website, but it is quite easy to create a simple blog website on WordPress.

How to create a free website on WordPress from mobile?

Friends, you can also create a free website on WordPress and can create it from mobile, for which you can read this post How to Create a Free Website on WordPress.

How long does it take for a newbie to learn WordPress?

You can learn it in a day, for this you should watch some videos on Youtube.

Conclusion – How to Create a Website on WordPress

Here is the information about creating a WordPress website, in which I have given you complete information about every option from creating a website on WordPress to earning money. I hope that with this information, you will be free from the question of how to create a WordPress website and can create your own. Will be able to create a website.

If you liked this information, then share it with your friends on Facebook, Linkedin, Quora and other social media. If you face any problem in creating a WordPress website, then you can ask in the comment box and give your opinion regarding this post.


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