SEO Friendly Article – Until your blog post is well optimized, your post will not get a visitor from any search engine. This is a means to get Organic Traffic. Once your article is optimized well, it will run on Google. So that you can easily bring a lot of visitors to your blog. 

First, you will have to find a good keyword for your blog post. There are no more keywords, people who search the frames or centers in Google or the second search engine. Once you remove your keyword, you must follow the points below.

How to write seo optimized articles on blogger blog

SEO Friendly Article
SEO Friendly Article

You have to follow all the points given below and it is also to write your article. Before following them, watch this video once.

  • Keyword in Title
  • Keyword in Permalink
  • Remove all stop words or words from permalink
  • Use Keyword in Paragraph first
  • Use Keyword in Image Alt Tag
  • Use Keyword carefully in H2 and H3 Tag
  • Bold all the important and important keywords and do the same to the related keywords
  • Italic to some important keywords (1-2) of the article
  • Surely provide Outbound Link, some relevant high-quality sites, this will make Google feel that you are also giving up the other site.
  • One more thing, must use internal links in related articles
  • You have to follow these 10 rules to make your article seo friendly.

Once you apply these 10 steps in your article, then you can publish the same post. All these points have been described well in the video. By following them, you can easily make your post full SEO optimized. SEO Friendly Article

The right way to write SEO friendly article.

If you want to write a good SEO article for your blog or website, follow all these steps. By doing this, your content will be more optimized for search engines and increase organic traffic.

seo friendly article kaise likhe
seo friendly article kaise likhe

1. Select the topic of the article

First of all, you should choose a good topic for the article in which Search Volume is Mehjud. For example, “What is the right AC for the house.” If you search log on this topic, then by writing this article, you will get the related organic traffic.

Use free tools like Google Keyword Planner to find trending and popular keywords. Then finalize the topic that people who search, or what you think should be searched. SEO Friendly Article

2. Create article structure

Further, you have to plan the structure or layout of your article – how to break it in different sections. Break the content with heading and subheadings, in 200 to 300 words. This will make it easier for your users to read and understand the article.

3. Write content seo optimized

Now write content implementing SEO tips. For example, put keywords as naturally as you can, and use keywords in image captions as well. Do not paste the content copied from anywhere. Your content should be more reader-friendly which fulfills the search intent of the people.

4. Optimize keywords

Note how many times have been used in the Keywords Article you have decided. Keep keyword density equal to 1-2% word count. Bold or Italic to Important Keywords. LSI Keywords also be used for better rankings.

how to write seo friendly article
how to write seo friendly article

5. Write Meta Description and Title

Use attractive Titles and Meta Descriptions so that the user is attracted to click them. At the same time, use targeted keywords in these two.

6. Use images, links and multimedia

To make your SEO article more engaging, add Relevant images, videos, infographics, and external links to it. With this, users will be engaged and will be able to rank your article easily in search engines.

By following all these simple steps, you can also write search-friendly articles!

write seo friendly article
write seo friendly article

How to write a blog on Google?

Writing a blog on Google is also the same thing as you are writing an article. Just in this, you have to write your article according to people’s search introduction. So that you can reach the right people and help them.

How much money is received from the blog?

You can earn as much money from the blog as you will work hard. It means to say that you have to provide better information and complete information from others on your blog so that people’s trust will remain in you. With this, you can earn more money.

seo friendly article writing
seo friendly article writing

What does a blog mean?

The blog is a means to convey its words to the people. With this, you can reach out to crores of people at the same time. This is a very good online means to solve another trouble. SEO Friendly Article

What did you learn today?

I hope you would like to write this article of my SEO Optimized Articles on my blog. It is always my endeavor that the readers should be provided with complete information about SEO SEO-optimized articles so that they do not need to find them in the context of articles on any other sites or the internet.

This will also save them time and they will also get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article in your mind or you want something to improve, then you can write low comments for this. If you liked this post SEO friendly article writing or got to learn something, then please share this post on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter etc.


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